
Brenna The Angel

Journal Entry

I want to share a blessing that we have experienced recently...I have been trying to get information about a power wheelchair for Brenna for quite a while. Brenna could sure use it at school and getting around the neighborhood. She would gain a sense of independence. (But, that means she could be a teenager and turn away from me when I'm lecturing!) So...I called insurance, our school therapist and Praxair to try and coordinate getting one for her before next school year. The info was a little disheartening. A good chair costs around $12,000 and insurance would only cover $2,500. I thought about it and decided we would just deal with the manual chair until she becomes mobile again (hopefully, in the near future!) The very next day, we were walking (wheeling) to a Young Women's activity a few blocks away from our house. As we crossed the big intersection as was rounding the back of Blockbuster, a van stopped in front of us. A gentleman hopped out and asked if we could use a power wheelchair. I asked if he was serious and asked Brenna to pinch me. He stated that his dad had passed away in January and they had advertised but couldn't sell the chair and he wanted to donate it to us. Of course I started crying and made a comment, "How did you know?" He told me that he was actually driving in a different direction when a voice whispered in his ear, "They need the chair." He almost didn't turn, when he heard the voice again. Thus, we ended up with a power chair the very next morning.

She absolutely loves it and has mastered the getting through the door technique already. Too bad there was only 2 weeks left of school! Which, by the way, is over tomorrow! She is still an honor student. She kept up with her homework when she was home sick.

My other kids are still in school until June 30th! My 3 boys made competition soccer teams and the madness continues with practices every day of the week through summer! WHEN WILL IT END?!!

With love and dribbles,
The Augats

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Brenna The Angel