
Brenna The Angel

Eternal truths can comfort us when loved ones die

It is 2 Years and 331 Days since Brenna passed away and I miss her more then ever. It still hurts! I'm greatful for eternal truths that still give me comfort.

Here are some great truths from the teachings of Heber J. Grant...

"How bitter must be the suffering and grief of those who see nothing beyond the grave except the beginning of eternal night and oblivion. For them that thus believe, death hath its sting and the grave its victory. To them, even the glory of this earth is but the last flickering of a candle in unending blackness. But, to the man of faith, death is but the taking up again of the life he broke off when he came to this earth."

"It is a very great blessing that in the providences of the Lord and in the revelations that have been given by our Father in heaven, we have the assurance that the spirit and the body, in due time, will be reunited, notwithstanding the unbelief that there is in the world today—and there certainly is great skepticism and unbelief in relation to this matter. But notwithstanding this, we have assurance through the revelations that have been given by the Lord our God, that that is the purpose of God, that the body and the spirit shall be eternally united and that there will come a time, through the blessing and mercy of God, when we will no more have sorrow but when we shall have conquered all of these things that are of a trying and distressing character, and shall stand up in the presence of the living God, filled with joy and peace and satisfaction."


Brenna The Angel